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Writer's pictureThe Find Yourself Foundation

The Tallest Poppy

Contributed and written by Tara K.

Beautiful poppy standing tall and radiant,

You mirror to me my beauty and my growth.

I do not believe in healing; I believe in constant growth and evolution of my Soul.

I am not my behaviors, thoughts or emotions.

For me, my light is on everything now.

I have no expectation or attachment to people and their opinions, places or things.

I will no longer allow memories of the past to haunt and control me.

When dark feelings and thoughts come to me, I will greet them with curiosity, resiliency and compassion.

I will not get angry with myself, for this only keeps this defeating pattern repeating.

Surrender and bring it through me – acutely aware. Feeling all of it.

Lean into and pay attention to the need to control, your higher self will show you what you need to know; observation and self compassion is your antidote.

Survival mechanisms of defense, control and addiction need to be acknowledged,

not made bad.

My heart refuses mediocrity and conformity.

I belong to Spirit and my belief’s.

I honour my communion with the sacred realms.

Beyond the noise – the in between.

It is here that I come to know what matters most to me.

My beautiful heart , my authentic self

Today I am proud to be the tallest poppy in the garden.

And so it is,



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